AUSSOM Mandate

As per the UN Security Council, AUSSOM shall have the mandate to:

  • Support the FGS to degrade Al-Shabaab and affiliates linked to ISIL/Daesh
  • Prioritise the protection of civilians
  • Support further stabilisation in Somalia and enable state-building priorities, including capacity building of the Somali security and police forces and the orderly transfer of security responsibilities to Somalia
  • Contribute, in close coordination with humanitarian actors, to the creation of security conditions conducive for the delivery of humanitarian assistance.

In the implementation of its mandate , AUSSOM will also conduct several key tasks, including providing support to the Somali security forces in degrading Al-Shabaab through disruption of its movement and restriction of access to illicit finance; support the Somali security forces through coordination of combat capabilities; assist the Somali security forces in providing security for political processes at all levels, in line with the Stabilisation Plan; support and assist the Somali security forces to improve their readiness for full security responsibilities in line with the SSDP; support the Somali security forces in the provision of security for agreed key population centres, including federal and Federal Member State capitals, key installations and critical infrastructure such as airports and seaports; protect AU and UN personnel, installations and assets; prioritise the protection of civilians; and support the Somali Police Force in maintaining public order, internal security and protecting communities.

Other key tasks include providing the Somali Police Force with advice on policy formulation, training curriculum development, and specialised training, including leadership and management in line with the agreement; providing technical support to the Somali Police Force for police reform and development; developing mission-specific strategies, including on protection of civilians and children, as well as training schedules for mission personnel on the African Union Compliance and Accountability Framework (AUCF).

AUSSOM will also ensure troop and police contributing countries fulfill their mandates in accordance with standards of conduct, discipline and international law, including international humanitarian and human rights law, as well as the African Union Conduct and Discipline Framework (AUCF); cooperate with the UN in implementing the Human Rights Due Diligence Policy (HRDDP); facilitate humanitarian access and delivery of humanitarian assistance in line with humanitarian principles, including through coordination with humanitarian actors and the FGS; monitor and address allegations of human rights and international humanitarian law violations, ensuring accountability through mitigation, investigation and remedial actions; and support the FGS with implementation of  the SSDP.

Click to download the documents below which authorise and mandate AUSSOM:

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