Mogadishu – Sixty (60) military and police personnel serving with the African Union Support and Stabilisation Mission in Somalia (AUSSOM) recently completed a five-day training aimed at enhancing their knowledge on women’s critical role in peacekeeping.
The training, organised by the AUSSOM Protection, Human Rights and Gender (PHRG) Division for Gender Focal Points and Female Engagement Team leaders, focused on integrating gender perspectives into mission operations to enhance gender equality and inclusiveness.
The African Union Special Representative for Somalia and Head of AUSSOM, Ambassador Mohamed El-Amine Souef, underscored the vital role of AUSSOM personnel in safeguarding women’s and children’s rights during operations.
“We have a specific role to play when it comes to the protection of women’s and children’s rights in conflict areas. So far, we are satisfied with the efforts you are putting in and we are confident that you will do even better,” said Ambassador Souef at the opening ceremony of the training.
Ambassador Souef noted that AUSSOM provides pre-deployment and in-mission training to equip personnel with knowledge on International Humanitarian Law, International Human Rights Law, and various international instruments guiding their operations. Additionally, in line with the Human Rights Due Diligence Policy, AUSSOM conducts thorough screening of deployed personnel to verify their past record of non-involvement in human rights violations.
The Head of Protection, Human Rights and Gender (PHRG) Division, Dr. Omar Alasow, said the training aimed to deepen the officers’ knowledge of gender issues and women’s participation in peacekeeping.
“I urge all of us to utilise what we have learned and apply it to our work in advocating for gender equality. We must continue to raise awareness of gender equality and advocate for policies that promote women’s rights,” said Dr. Alasow at the closing ceremony.
The training covered critical areas, including the Women, Peace and Security agenda and its pillars, the AUSSOM mandate and integrating gender into AUSSOM operations. Other topics covered included protection of women and girls from gender-based violence, sexual exploitation and abuse.
AUSSOM Senior Civil Affairs Officer Fadil Karrar emphasised the training’s importance in enabling AUSSOM personnel to integrate gender issues into their work and combat violence against women and girls in Somalia.
“This training has provided a valuable opportunity for the participants to acquire skills to promote gender parity and women and girls’ rights and facilitate the implementation of their mandate in the field,” said Karrar.
AUSSOM Kenya contingent Gender Focal Point Officer, Captain Gakenia Kagocha spoke on behalf of the participants, saying: “We have acquired relevant skills which will help us empower Somali women and men during this AUSSOM mission, at our various Forward Operating Bases, in future deployments and back home.”