19 DECEMBER 2024
PSC/MIN/COMM.1253 (2024)
Adopted by the Peace and Security Council (PSC) of the African Union (AU) at its 1253rd meeting held on 19 December 2024 on Briefing on the Situation in Somalia, and Post-ATMIS Security Arrangements
The Peace and Security Council,
Recalling all its previous decisions and pronouncements on the situation in Somalia and on ATMIS, particularly Communique [PSC/PR/COMM.1238 (2024)] adopted on 28 October 2024 on an update on the Situation in Somalia, and Post-ATMIS Arrangements with a Specific Focus on the Preservation of State Institutions; [PSC/PR/COMM. 1236 (2024)] adopted at its 1236th meeting held on 22 October 2024 on the Joint Meeting Between the PSC and the Permanent Representatives Committee (PRC) Sub-Committee on General Supervision and Coordination on Budgetary, Financial and Administrative Matters and F-15 Technical Experts on Financing Peace Support Operations and Activities of the Peace and Security Council; [PSC/PR/COMM.1225(2024)], adopted at its 1225th meeting held on 1 August 2024 on Consideration of the Strategic Concept of Operations of the AU-Led Mission in Somalia Post-ATMIS; and [PSC/PR/COMM.1217(2024)], adopted at its meeting held on 20 June 2024 on the Report of the African Union Commission on the Joint Strategic Assessment for the Post-ATMIS Security Arrangement for an AU-led Mission in Somalia;
Also recalling UN Security Council Resolution 2628(2022), which authorized the reconfiguration of AMISOM into ATMIS, Resolution 2710(2023), and the AU Member States to deploy up to 17626 uniformed personnel to ATMIS till 31 December 2023; Resolution 2741(2024) which calls for finalization of the overall design of the follow-on mission to ATMIS; its implications for the UN; and provide insight on the estimated resources required for the mission and costs thereof including, but not limited to, the framework established by resolution 2719 (2023); and Resolution 2748(2024) which calls for maintaining momentum on the security transition to the successor mission;
Reaffirming the AU’s solidarity with the people and the Government of the Federal Republic of Somalia in their aspirations for durable peace, security, stability, and prosperity; while reiterating the AU’s respect for the sovereignty, unity, independence, and territorial integrity of the Federal Republic of Somalia;
Taking note of the opening remarks by H.E. Mahmoud Ali Youssouf, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and Spokesperson of the Government of the Republic of Djibouti and Chairperson of the PSC for December 2024; and the Introductory Statement and a briefing by H.E. Ambassador Bankole Adeoye, the AU Commissioner for Political Affairs, Peace and Security; as well as the statements by H.E. Ali Mohamed Omar, MP, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Federal Republic of Somalia, by the Representatives of the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD); and the United Nations; and
Acting under Article 7 of its Protocol, the Peace and Security Council,
1. Takes note of the Briefing Note on the Situation in Somalia and the Post-ATMIS Security Arrangements;
2. Commends the milestones achieved thus far, by the Federal Government of Somalia, including by the Somali defence and security forces, with the support of the AU Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS); underlines the importance of preserving the legacies of AMISOM and ATMIS and the current momentum in the fight against Al-Shabaab;
3. Pays special tribute to the Troop and Police Contributing Countries (T/PCCs) to the AU Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) and to ATMIS since 2007 for their continued sacrifices; especially to the men and women of the two missions for their commitment and dedication to duty, particularly those who have paid the supreme sacrifice; and wishes speedy recovery to those nursing injuries from attacks by the Al Shabaab terrorist group;
4. Expresses grave concern over the continued threat posed by Al Shabaab to peace and security in Somalia and the region and condemns all the attacks against Somali security forces and ATMIS forces;
5. Reiterates continued support of the AU for the government of the Federal Republic of Somalia by providing capacity building to the Somali Security Forces, to accelerate its force generation and integration efforts;
6. Underscores the imperative for scaling up assistance to the Federal Government of Somalia in the mobilization of resources for stabilization and state-building priorities, as well as the need to ensure a smooth and orderly transfer of security responsibilities to Somali security forces; further reaffirms the essence for enhanced capacitation and empowerment of the Somalia security forces and encourages the Federal Government of Somalia to expedite the force generation and integration of accountable, affordable, self-sustaining and able security forces that can hold areas and undertake operations as part of the clear, hold and build strategy so that AUSSOM can conduct the orderly transfer of security responsibilities to Somalia at the appointed time;
7. At the political level, encourages all Somali political stakeholders to prioritise the country’s national interests and immediately resume inclusive dialogue on all outstanding national issues through the framework of the National Consultative Council (NCC); and urges them to exercise maximum restraint and refrain from any actions that may lead to escalation of tensions and undermine the stability of the country, and the fight against Al-Shabaab terrorist group, which is critical to the maintenance of regional and international peace and security;
8. Welcomes the Declaration recently signed between Ethiopia and Somalia in Ankara, Türkiye on 11 December 2024 and reiterates the AU’s unwavering commitment to respect the independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of both countries in accordance with the AU Constitutive Act and international law;
9. Notes with concern, that the endorsement of AUSSOM and its funding modalities by the UNSC, in spite of the UNSCR 2741 and 2748 , remains pending, thus, posing challenges to the deployment of AUSSOM on 1 January 2025, and raising huge implications for the security situation in Somalia and the entire Horn of Africa region and, in this regard, once again stresses the importance of ensuring predictable, sustainable, and adequate funding for the AUSSOM, including through a dedicated funding mechanism through UN-assessed contributions in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 2719 (2023), as the most suitable mechanism for providing adequate, predictable and sustainable funding, in order to avoid the perennial financial challenges faced by previous Missions;
10. Once again expresses appreciation to the UN and all international partners for their unwavering commitment and efforts towards promoting peace and stability in Somalia and for their invaluable contributions to AMISOM and ATMIS; and calls upon the international partners to continue providing the necessary support to Somalia and the AUSSOM in accordance with the Concept of Operations (CONOPs) adopted on 1 August 2024, to enable its successful deployment as of 1 January 2025; In the same vein, reiterates the need for the Commission, the UN and International Partners to mobilize in earnest the requisite funding to fill the ATMIS funding deficit of 120m USD before its planned exit on 31 December 2024;
11. Recalls the Letter Ref: PAPS/CMD/106/1/85270.2 of 7 August 2024 from the Chairperson of the Peace and Security Council for the month of August 2024 to the President of the UN Security Council for the month of August 2024 which transmitted the CONOPS to the UN Security Council and the PSC Communique [PSC/PR/COMM.1225(2024)] which adopted the CONOPs and endorsed the formation of the African Union Support and Stabilization Mission in Somalia (AUSOM);
12. While underscoring the importance of leveraging on the lessons learnt from AMISOM and ATMIS to ensure that AUSSOM is guaranteed adequate, sustainable and predictable funding; takes note of the Joint African Union-United Nations Report pursuant to UN Security Council resolution 2748(2024) and the letter jointly signed by H.E. Moussa Faki Mahamat, Chairperson of the AU Commission, and H.E. Antonio Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations dated 26 November 2024; and in this regards, appeals to the UN Security Council to consider the financing option, on the hybrid application of the framework established under resolution 2719(2023), as the only practicable solution for AUSSOM, for the mission to fulfil its mandate and support the implementation of the Somalia Security Sector Development Plan (SSDP);
13. Reiterates the request for the AU Commission to continue extensive engagements with the UN, European Union, other strategic partners and potential new donors, in order to ensure adequate, predictable and sustainable funding and other forms of support for the AUSSOM; in this regard, requests the Commission to draw up a road map, in collaboration with the UN for resource mobilization to fill the funding gap of 25% for AUSSOM as directed by resolution 2719, including the possibility of convening a pledging conference;
14. Requests the Commission to present the AUSSOM Budget to the PSC for consideration and onward transmission following due process through the PRC Sub-Committee on General Supervision and Coordination on Budgetary, Financial and Administrative Matters (GSCBFM) and F-15 Technical Experts in order to use part of the interest accrued from the AU Peace Fund investment and the Crisis Reserve Facility (CRF) to contribute to the financing of the AUSSOM in line with paragraph 11, of Communique [PSC/PR/COMM. 1236 (2024)] adopted at the 1236th PSC meeting held on 22 October 2024;
15. Takes note of, with appreciation the Member States which recently formally expressed interest in contributing troops for AUSSOM, namely, Burundi, Djibouti, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, and Uganda, and requests the AU Commission to finalize the report on the responses, in consultation with the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) on the composition of the Mission; and in this regard, welcomes the convening of the meeting of the Chiefs of Defense Forces of the Troop Partner Nations (TPNs) in Mogadishu, Somalia, which discussed the transition from ATMIS to AUSSOM held on 3-4 December 2024; and requests the AU Commission, in consultations with the Federal Government of Somalia, to urgently expedite the necessary steps to ensure the smooth deployment of AUSSOM, in accordance with the CONOPs approved by the 1225th meeting of the PSC on 1 August 2024;
16. Reiterates that the mainstreaming of post-conflict reconstruction and development, as well as peacebuilding measures to be undertaken by AUSSOM will strengthen the stabilization and recovery efforts of the FGS, and, in this regard, stresses the critical role of the AU PCRD Centre in efforts to rebuild the institutional capacities of the Federal Government of Somalia; and
17. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.
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