Police Component

The Police component will comprise 1,040 personnel until 30 June 2025, including five Formed Police Units (FPUs), followed by a phased reduction to 680 personnel effective 1 July 2025, as part of the mission’s second phase.

The Police Contributing Countries (PCCs) include Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Uganda and Zambia, deployed across five operational sectors.

AUSSOM Police has the mandate to: –

  1. Support the Somali Police Force (SPF) in managing public order, protecting communities and maintaining internal security.
  2. Support the Somali Police Force (SPF) through policy advice, training curriculum development, and specialised training in leadership and management, as mutually agreed upon.
  3. Provide technical support to the Somali Police Force on police reform and development initiatives.
  4. Provide protection to African Union and United Nations personnel, installations and assets;
  5. Assist the Somali security forces in providing security for political processes at all levels in line with the Stabilisation Plan.

Police Contributing Countries

Ghana | Kenya  | Nigeria | Sierra Leone | Uganda | Zambia

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